I do like that Shakespearean dream bit. Except you made me want to have soft-boiled eggs and soldiers! I haven't had them for ages (sorry).

It was really good though, this episode. Then again all of them are.

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Soft boiled eggs are quite delicious, you're right. After February half term I was making a "dippy egg" every morning for my kids. It's all they wanted! Thanks Evelyn. I have a few more to go and then curtain closes. It'll be strange, I must admit.

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I know what you mean about it being strange. Sort of like when your children leave the nest. It's sort of equally strange for me finally starting my own serial.

Then again, when one curtain closes, another one opens (if I can permit myself a cliche). You can be very proud of Oceanus, though - it really is excellent.

Plus, even more bonus as a subscriber, that means you have more time for your other settings, which I am thoroughly enjoying!

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Thank you Evelyn! Do you plan to publish the serial when it's completed?

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Hmm, that's tricky one I'm still pondering tbh. Obviously I would love to get properly published (as opposed to self-publishing in e-book format), but that's easier said than done. At the moment I have been minded to send out my second collection of short stories to a publisher whilst I continue with all this Substack stuff - partly in the hope that the publisher would appreciate me doing the self-promotion thing - and likewise offering enticing excerpts from any published work for free here on Substack.

My other option, I guess, is to self-publish each episode (or act, even) sometime after I've completed it here.

The other consideration is time of course! I still have an edit to do for the serial (act 1) and add a bit towards the end. From a psychological self-knowledge point of view I'm giving myself enforced deadlines. Which does seem to work!

But yeah, getting properly published would be the end goal, meaning this Substack can be for 'fans' so to speak - especially the (somewhat postmodern) option of actually interacting with the character herself. That's definitely going to be intriguing/weird if it ever happens... Still, 'method acting' is a good way of getting characters right, and I do have a talent for dissociation...

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Oh, great chapter. I liked the dream/hallucination - good way to give us some of Anthony's backstory without being too info dumpy.

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