"Out! Out! Damn Spot!" - said angrily to a messy dog.

"So let it be with Caesar..." - to a waiter bearing salad.

"Get thee to a nunnery!" - not going anywhere near that one, being something of a feminist. "Methinks the lady doth protest too much." - that's definitely me that one.

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"This above all/to thine own self be true..." ("Hamlet").

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I love Shakespeare and I loved the famous quotes that you posted. I taught "The Tempest" to the fourth graders in my school; it was a slightly abridged version for children but all Shakespeare's language. Each day we read a scene and talked about it. On a certain day, every kid raised their hands and begged to read Caliban. Why? Because in the next scene, Caligan says, "Why my lord, I do smell of all horse piss!" I said, "Let's all play Caliban for a moment and say that line. And with great vigor we said it. The kids loved the play and they loved talking about the quote you put up.

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These are fantastic quotes to remember.

I'm excited to see your book sales surpass the number of people you know. That's amazing (if a bit scary, I'm sure)! I started digging into it yesterday and I'll absolutely be reviewing it once I'm all the way through. The Tempest was the first Shakespeare play I saw in person and it absolutely changed the way I viewed The Bard. When I saw you reimagined it in a Sci-fi setting I was over the moon (pun intended)!

I hope you get the rest and recovery you need. You absolutely deserve it.

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Lover of Shakes, here. These were great lines and great bits of advice. I especially liked your own warning about glittery turds. One must be ever alert for them!

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As You Like It is such an underrated play. It might be my favorite work of Shakespeare. Meanwhile, I found the line "Shake it off" from Tempest last week. He does have everything English can offer!

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